
Lesson Report Primary March 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, March 31, 2018.
It's sunny and warm today!

We've just started our new course!
April 2から毎日しっかり練習しましょう。

Lesson Review

Picture Dictionary
Unit 16  The Weather (3)
Practice the words  Repeat after the CD.
Sing the chant
Activity => Bingo

How to use Kiso-eigo

Tablet set up
Edmodo => Join the class

Write a message to teacher

Have a great day!
See you next week!!



Lesson Report Primary March 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, March 28, 2018.
It's sunny and warm today!
I can't believe we had snow a week ago!!

Congratulations on finishing Primary Course!
You are ready for junior high school for sure!

昨日のレッスンでは みんなの小学校について発表してもらいました。

Lesson Review
     Retell Lessons 213-214

Lessons 216-217 -> Reading practice

Lesson 216 Listen and answer the questions about the picture.
Was Lisa happy with the result of the audition? 
ð Practice: Practice the sentences on page 75 and words on page 77.

Lesson 217 Listen and answer the questions about the picture.
What are the names of Hina's parents? What's the name of Hina's parents' farm?

ð Activity:  I am a big fan of... What about you?

Night Zookeeper 
Presentation My elementary school.

Have a great day!
See you tomorrow!!
And, see you in the future!



Lesson Report Primary March 23rd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's March 24, 2018.  
Today is Saturday.  
It is a nice day!
基礎英語 3月号 Lesson 213, 214を学習しました。
Lessonの内容を確認し, パート分けして練習、発表をしました。
Words and Phraseの練習をしました。  
P 64では that soundsを学習し、文作りをしました。 
P68 ではHowを使った文作りをしました。
Grammar Starter Unit 11 P50  4, 5を解きました。
Edmodo  Spelling Test (正解) #18  
busy plan photography movie contest message title world word park

<Lesson  Review>
Kiso Eigo February Issue  Lesson 213, 214  
Read and learn the content of lessons.  
Do quiz  from each lesson 
Grammar Starter  Unit 11  Do P50 4, 5
Edmodo   Write teacher a message. 

Have a nice spring vacation !!  
Hope to see you again!


Lesson Report Phonics March 23rd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It’s Saturday, March 24. 
What are you doing today?
Picture Dictionary Topic 15(2)の単語を確認し、練習しました。  
I spy, I see a…のゲームをしました。
皆たくさんのヒントを出してくれました!Good work!
Phonics Book 2 Unit 4 P53 (ar, or, ir, air, ear, wor)の単語にチャレンジしました。
Up and Away reader book 1Dを最初から最後までかっこよく音読しました!皆とても良く読めました! Wonderful!

Spelling Test (正解)  
#15 owl south oil boil strawberry cookbook brown coin food shout

Have a wonderful spring vacation!   
See you in April!



Lesson Report Primary March 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, March 21, 2018.
It's snowy today!
How are you spending the holiday?

昨日のレッスンでは It was difficult at first, but now I can do it!
Yes, when you do things for the first time, you think it's difficult, but you can do it eventually!
Try your best!!

Lesson Review
     Retell Lessons 208-209
Lessons 211-212 -> Reading practice

Lesson 211 Listen and answer the questions about the picture.
Who is Hina’s song for? Was it easy for Hina to write a song?
ð Practice: Practice the sentences on page 56 and words on page 57.

Lesson 212 Listen and answer the questions about the picture.
When does Hina find out the results of the audition? How is her song? Did she pass the audition?

ð Activity:  I think … is fun.

Night Zookeeper 
Write about your elementary school.

Hello! I’m Hina. I’m a student of MAA Elementary School.
We have 30 students in our class. My friends are very unique!
Our homeroom teacher is Mr. Saionji.
He is not funny but a very good teacher.
I like his Japanese class.
Thank you!

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Friday!
