It's December 23, 2017.
It is sunny today!
基礎英語 12月号 Lesson 153, 154
各Lessonの内容を確認し、対話を音読練習し、Words and Phrasesを練習しました。
Grammar Starter P 35 までの内容を完成させました。
教本を振り返れば必ず答えが書いてあります。Good luck!
Edmodo Spelling Test (正解)#7 December, Monday, sick, tired, happy, sleeping, France, computer, tomorrow, Christmas
Spelling List #8 January, Thursday, snow, ski, window, children, notebook, shopping, family countries
(Lesson Review)
Kiso Eigo December Issue Lesson 153, 154 Read and learn the content of lessons. Do quiz from each lesson
Grammar Starter Finish up to P35
Edmodo Write teacher a message.
Have a wonderful holiday season!!
See you on January 5th!!
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