
Lesson Report Primary May 8th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Tuesday, May 8, 2018.
It is rainy and cold today.


Night Zookeeperではタイピングのレッスンが始まりました。
Home rowをまずは覚えましょうね!

Lesson Review
Night Zookeeper 
Typing Lesson #1  Home Row

Picture Dictionary
Unit 21  Months and Seasons (3)
Practice the words  Repeat after the CD.
Activity: What’s your favorite month?
Sing the chant
Play Bingo

Kiso-eigo May issue
Lesson 21
Listen to the CD. => Practice words and phrases.
Practice the conversation in class. => In groups of three.

Lesson 22
Listen to the CD. => Practice words and phrases.
Practice the conversation in class.


Write a message to teacher

Don't catch a cold!
See you on Friday!


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