
Lesson Report Primary July 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, July 18, 2018.
It is sunny and hot again!

今日のタイピングレッスンはLesson 8の仕上げのテストをしました。

Picture DictionaryではBoys vs. Girls で単語をAlphabetical orderに並べてホワイトボードに書きました。
Boys won! Congratulations!

基礎英語では I am Tama. I like dogs. の文の作り方の違いを確認しました。
Are you Tama? I am not Tama.
Do you like dogs? You do not like dogs.
のように likeを使った文だと質問や否定の時に単語が増えましたね!

Lesson Review

Night Zookeeper 
Typing Lesson #18   Let’s type 8 (3)
Take the typing test

Picture Dictionary
Unit 27  Fairytale Ball (3)
Practice the words 
Sing the chant
Activity: Write the words in the alphabetical order

Kiso-eigo May issue
Review Lessons 68 and 69
Review: Friday Laboratory  do verbs

July issue
Lesson 71 (p. 54)
Listen to the CD. => Practice words and phrases. => Quiz each other
Practice the conversation in class.

Lesson 72 (p. 58)
Listen to the CD. => Practice words and phrases. => Quiz each other
Practice the conversation in class.
Activity: Are you afraid of …?


Write a message to teacher

Enjoy the summer!
See you on Friday!


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