
P2 Lesson Report (38)January 22, 2021

Hello everyone.  It is cold outside today.  Make some hot chocolate and stay indoors!  Here is you homework and lesson report. See you soon. 

Unit 3. (総復習) 

*p.22  A.  Listen to audio (1.38) Breakout room で練習し、発表  p.23. D


*p.24.  B. Listen to audio (1.42) Breakout roomで練習し、発表 ( list A の単語を復習し、1−8で文作り)

*p.26.  B. Listen to audio. (1.48)Breakout roomで練習し、発表

WORD LIST from Unit 3. Ride a pony, play the piano, do a magic trick, play hopscotch , play with a yo-yo, do a cartwheel, do a somersault , jump rope, dance, swim , run , sing, skip , read, point, color, play baseball, use chopsticks, ride a bicycle, speak English. 


3. SAK 1 unit 6. Pets. Listen to CD 42. Listen and repeat. Match Meg and Mr. Ito with picture.

4. Homework Edmodo音声入力

>Do you have any pets?  Yes, I do. I have a cat. My cat’s name is Meow. 

>Do you have any pets?  Yes, I do. I have a cat and a dog.  My cat’s name is Kitty and my dog’s name Ben. 

>Do you have any pets?  Yes, I do.  I have a big blue fish. His name is Jaws. He likes to eat rice.

>What’s wrong, Kate?  I can’t find my phone.  

Is it in your bag?  

I don’t know.  Oh, here it is!  I can see it. It’s under the car.

>What’s wrong, Bob?  I can’t find my book. 

Is it in your desk?

I don’t know. Oh, here it is!  I can see it.  It’s next to the umbrella. 

>Look at her.  She can ride a pony. 

>Look at him.  He can play the piano and the violin. 

>Look at me. I can climb a tree. I can jump rope , too!

>They can play soccer.  They can play basketball, too.

>He can skip and dance.  She can paint and color. 

>I like to ride bicycles.  He likes to run and jump in the park. 

>He likes to race at night. She likes to run and ride her red red and brown bicycle. 

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