
Lesson Report Primary-1 January 31st

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Tuesday, January 31, 2017.

It's sunny and windy today.  

This is Phonics のUnit 3 Consonant Blends は今日で終了しました。
Great job!
次回はCheck it!のテストです。

Up and Away reader 2A The Very Dangerous Driverの音読リレーもみんな頑張りましたね。

Picture Dictionaryでは Where's the toaster?  It's on the counter. It's in front of the microwave. It's next to the toaster. などKitchenに何がどこにあるのかさらに表現を広げて英語で聞いて説明する練習をしました。
You did a good job!

Lesson Review
This is Phonics -2 
Unit 3 Consonant Blends (pp. 37-40)
Check the key words
Practice the jungle
Check it! (pp. 51-52)

Up and Away Reader Level 2A
The Very Dangerous Driver
Reading relay

Picture Dictionary  Unit 12 Clean up the kitchen
Practice the words and chant
Activity: Where's the clock? - It's on the wall. It's in front of/next to the microwave.
Worksheet: Crossword puzzle

Have a great week!
See you on Friday!


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