
Primary 2 Lesson Report(22) 9/25/2020

Lesson Report (22) September 25, 2020

Hello , class. Thank you for sending me your messages from Student Book p.51. You did a great job! Please check the comments I sent you. Have a great weekend and see you next week in October!

  1. Unit 6 p.50( A ) Learn the words. (2.22). Listen to audio, read and repeat. Students practice then say the words with good pronunciation.

  2. p. 50 B Ask and answer. 1-5. Where’s the workbook? It’s under the bed. 他 In, under, on, byの練習

  3. P.51. Make sentences. (2.26). 1−8の文作りと発表

  4. P.51 D.  Watch, point, and act (2.27) Are There Books in the Bathtub?  Repeat chant  . Practice.文の一部をEdmodoに入力(宿題)

  5. SAK 1 p.10  自己紹介の復習、発表

  6. Homework Workbook p.48,49  Send picture to instructor.

  7. Homework Edmodo. 

    >Where’s the lamp? It’s under the bed. 

    >Where’s the duck?  It’s by the dog. 

    >Where’s the key chain? It’s on the table. 

    >Where’s cat? It’s on the sofa.  

    >There’s a ball under the desk. 

    >There’s an umbrella in the sink .  

    >There are 5 dogs on the bed. 

    >There’s a rabbit by the doll house. 

    >There are books in the refrigerator. 

    >Is there a baby in the bathtub? Yes, there is. 

    >Is there a lion on the sofa?  Yes, there is. 

    >Are there clocks in the stove? No, there aren’t. 

    >Are there cats in the sink? No, there aren’t.

    >Are there dogs on the bed? Yes, there are.

    >Are there balls by the lamp? Yes, there are.

  8. Homework    SAK1 p.14,15. CD 12,13を聞いておきましょう。

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