
Primary 3 Lesson Report(27)10/30/2020

Hello, class. October 31st is Halloween.  Make sure you stop by MEL School between 3:00 and 6:00pm.  You can get sweets if you say “Trick or treat!”  Happy 🎃 Halloween!

  1. Unit 7. P.62( A ) Learn the words. Read,repeat and take turns presenting. Listen to audio (2.55) . 

  2. (B) Ask and answer. Practice the sentences. 1-4. Listen and repeat individually with good pronunciation.

  3. C. (2.58) P. 63  Listen to audio. Repeat after audio. Each student will ask a question. Everyone will answer by looking at C.

  4. D. Ask and answer. (2.59) Listen and repeat. 1-8. He とsheを間違えないように発表しましょう。時間にも注目。

  5. SAK 2 Do p.24. Unit 3 What I’m good at。Rabbit or frogに分かれてペアで発表。

  6. Homework Workbook p.60,61 . Send picture to instructor.   

  7. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    > Where were you yesterday ?  I was at the mall. 

    > Where were you yesterday ?  I was at the library. 

    >Where were you yesterday ?  I was at the amusement park. >Where was she at 10:00?  She was at the bookstore. Where is she now? She’s at the hospital.  

    >Where was he at 9:30?  He was at the airport. Where is he now ?  He’s at the train station. 

    > Was she at the circus at 4:00?  Yes, she was. 

    >Was he at the restaurant at 7:30?  No, he wasn’t.  He was at the library. 

  8. Homework SAK2. Listen to CD 30 

Primary 2 Lesson Report(27) 10/30/2020

Hello, class. This is your lesson report and your homework assignment. Saturday is Halloween. Please stop by Mel School between 3:00-6:00pm for some treats! Make sure you say, “Trick or treat!” Happy Halloween 🎃.

  1. Unit 7 ( A ) Learn the words. (2.47)Listen to audio, read and repeat. Students practice then say the words with good pronunciation.

  2. P.62 B (2.48) What does he do in the evening ? He/ She /Scott/Jenny/ Maria (5:15-5:25) Listen to audio and repeat together.   Have students repeat out loud with good pronunciation. ページ下、青い箱に注目しましょう。

  3. P.63. C. Practice . Each student presents.

  4. D. Listen and do. (2.51). Imitate 1-4. ジェスチャーを加えて言葉を発表。

  5. SAK 1 p.22. When’s your birthday? How old are you now?ペアワークで発表。

  6. Homework Workbook p.60,61  Send picture to instructor. 

  7. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >What does he do in the morning ?  He eats breakfast. 

    >What does Scott do in the morning ?He combs his hair.  

    >What does she do in the afternoon ?She rides her bike. 

    >What does Maria do in the afternoon? She plays the piano. 

    >What does he do in the evening?  He does his homework. 

    >What does she do in the evening? She takes a bath. 

    >Does Scott study English in the evening?  No, he doesn’t.  

    >Does he read books in the morning ?Yes, he does. 

    >Does she watch TV in the afternoon?  No, she doesn’t. 

    >Does Jane do her homework in the evening ?  Yes, she does. >When’s your birthday ? My birthday is January 6th. 

    >When’s your birthday?  My birthday is November 2nd. 

  8. Homework    SAK1 p.24 .Listen to  CD 23,24,25,26


Primary 3 Lesson Report (26) 10/232/2020

 Hello, everyone. It is sunny today. I am so excited to see the sun ☀️!  Here is your lesson report and homework. See you next week. Don't forget Halloween 🎃!  

  1. Unit 7. P.60( A ) Learn the words. Read,repeat and take turns presenting. Listen to audio (2.49) . 

  2. Make sentences. p.60 (B) Practice the sentences. 1-5. Listen and repeat individually with good pronunciation.

  3. (C) (2.52) P. 61  Listen to audio. Repeat after audio. Each student will practice and present (1-6). How was the weather on —-?

  4. D. How Was the Weather Yesterday? Chant. (2.54) Listen and repeat. 一部暗記し、発表。

  5. SAK 2 Do p.21. Unit 3 What I’m good at  Present. Listen to CD 26  1−3リスニングの問題を解く。CD27 のフレーズを練習し、発表。

  6. Homework Workbook p.58,59. Send picture to instructor.   

  7. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >It was sunny on Sunday. 

    >It’s cloudy today. 

    >How was the weather on Monday?  It was snowy. 

    >How was the weather on Saturday ?  It was rainy. 

    >How was the weather yesterday ? It was stormy. 

    > How’s the weather today?  It’s sunny today. 

    >It was sunny yesterday.  It’s rainy today.  

    >It was stormy on Thursday.  It’s chilly today. 

    >What are you good at?  I’m good at music. I can play the piano very well.  

    >What are you good at?  I’m good at sports. I can ride a unicycle very well. 

    > What are you good at ?  I’m good at doing funny things. I can walk on my hands. 

    Homework SAK2. Review CD 26.  CD28を聞いておきましょう。

Primary 2 Lesson Report(26) 10/23/2020

Hello, everyone!  It is a nice fall day!  Let’s go outdoors and have a great weekend!  Please check your homework and lesson report .  See you next week.  Don’t forget Halloween 🎃!  See you! 

  1. Unit 7 p.60( A ) Learn the words (2.41).Listen to audio, read and repeat. Students practice then say the words with good pronunciation. 動作も加えて発表。Good work ❣️

  2. p.60 B (2.42) What do you do in the morning? Listen to audio. Qand Aを練習し、発表。

  3. P.61 (2.44) . C Do you wash your face in the afternoon ? 1-6 Each student presents. ここは難関。もう一度(2.44)を聞いて下さい✴️チャレンジャーは文をEdmodoに音声入力して送って下さい

  4. P.61 (2.46) What do you do in the morning? Chant. Memorize a part then present.

  5. SAK 1 Listen to p.18. CD 15,16 When’s your birthday? How old are you now? Ask classmates. Pass along the questions. Say with good pronunciation .p.19. ⒈のリスニング問題をとく。

    Homework Workbook p.58,59  Send picture to instructor. 

    Homework Edmodo音声入

    >When’s your birthday ?  My birthday is March 10th. 

    >How old are you now?  I’m 10 years old.  

    >When’s your birthday ? My birthday is October 26th. 

    >How old are you now?  I’m 11 years old.  

    >What do you do in the morning? I eat breakfast.  

    >What do you do in the morning? I get dressed. 

    >What do you do in the morning?  I comb my hair. 

    >What do you do in the afternoon ?  I ride my bike. 

    >Do you get up in the afternoon ?  No, I don’t. 

    >Do you listen to music in the afternoon ?  Yes, I do.  

  6. >Do you play soccer in the afternoon ?  Yes, I do.  I play soccer with my friends .  

    >Do you dance in the afternoon ?  No, I don’t. I dance in the morning. 

    Homework SAK1 p.20 CD21を聞いておきましょう。Check out Nana an Tom’s birthdays 🎂.


Primary 3 Lesson Report(25) 10/16/2020

Hello, class.  How are you doing today?  I wish the sun would come out!  I want to go for a long walk to the park!  What do you usually do on a rainy day? Here is your lesson report and your homework.  See you next week.  

  1. P.58( A ) Read,repeat and take turns presenting. Listen to audio (2.44)(2.45) . 

  2. p.59 (C) Practice the words. Ask and answer (2.46) (2.47)Listen and repeat individually with good pronunciation.

  3. P.59 Listen and chant . (2.48). Listen to audio. Part 1 or part 2のいずれかを暗記し、発表

  4. SAK 2 Do p.20. Unit 4 What I’m good at. Listen to CD 22,23 24,25 . Do p.19. listen and Repeat.

  5. Homework Workbook p.54,55 test. (一部レッスン中に一緒に解きく。)P.56,57 Send picture to instructor.   

  6. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >Where were you yesterday? I was at the beach.  

    >Where were you yesterday? I was at the zoo.  It was fun.

    >How was the weather ? It was sunny and warm. 

    >Where were you last night ? We were at the store.  

    >Where were you at four?  I was at the beach. It was fun.

    >Where was Jack and Ray at three o’clock? They were at the beach all day. 

    >Where were you yesterday ?  I was in a big tree . 

    >What are you good at?  I’m good at music. I can play the piano very well.  

    >What are you good at?  I’m good at sports.  I can play soccer very well. 

    >What are you good at? I’m good at doing funny things  . I can do magic and wiggle my ears very well  .  

    >What is he good at?  He’s good at sports. He can play basketball very well.  

    >What is Jane good at ?  She’s good at music. She can sing many songs and play the violin. 

  7. Homework SAK2. CD22,23,24,25. P.20, 21 もう1度聞いておきましょう

    P.22,23. CD 26,27,28 を予習  CDを聞いておきましょう!

Primary 2 Lesson Report(25) 10/16/2020

Hello、class. How are you doing?  It’s chilly today!  Here is your lesson report from Friday.  Please check your homework and what we did on Friday.  Have a good weekend!   P.S. Don’t forget to say “Good night , Mom.” 

  1. Unit 6 p.58( A ) Listen and say. What time is it?  Listen to audio, read and repeat. Students practice then say the words with good pronunciation.

  2. p.59 C (2.40) What time is it? Chant . Listen to chant and repeat together.   Have students repeat chant out loud with good pronunciation.  Eight o’clock , twelve o’clock, nine o’clock のいずれかを選んで暗記し、発表。Good work !

  3. P.59. D. Tell time. Each student presents

  4. SAK 1 Listen to p.18. CD 15,16 When’s your birthday? How old are you now? CD 17. Months. Say with good pronunciation .

  5. Homework Workbook p.57 Send picture to instructor. 

  6. Homework Edmodo.

    >What time is it?  It’s time for dinner.  

    >What time is it?  It’s six o’clock. It’s time for dinner. 

    >What time is it?  It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for your bath. 

    >Is it time for school ?  Yes, it is. 

    >Is it time for bed? No, it isn’t. It’s time for brushing your teeth. 

    >Is it time for lunch ?  Yes, it is. Let’s eat spaghetti. 

    >Is it time for soccer practice ?  Yes, it is.  Let’s go!

    >When’s your birthday? It’s May 5th. 

    >My birthday is October 31st. It’s on Halloween. 

    >When’s your brother’s birthday?  It’s December 25th. It’s on Christmas. 

    >How old is your sister ? She’s twelve years old. 

    >How old are you now? I’m ten years old.

  7. Homework    SAK1 p.19.Listen to  CD 17,18,19. Memorize the dates


Primary 3 Lesson Report (24) 10/9/2020

Lesson Report (24) October 9, 2020

Hello, class. It has been raining all week. I hope it will be sunny next week! 
Here is your homework and lesson report.  Good luck!
  1. P.54( A ) Read,repeat and take turns presenting. Listen to audio (2.38) . 

  2. p.54 (2.39) She Loves to Study chant.  ST , SW. Listen and repeat individually with good pronunciation.

  3. P.55 C Listen and read along. (2.40). Listen to audio. Say 1-3. Repeat after audio. 音読練習し、発表。

  4. p.55 D. What about you ? Write answers in textbook. Present.(2.41)

  5. P.56 listening test. (2.42)  p.57(2.43) B. Let’s read about Kevin.発表 C. Write email to Kevin. 

  6. SAK 2 Do p.19スピーチの発表。Wonderful❗️

  7. Homework Workbook p.52,53.  Send picture to instructor.   

  8. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >Can you play on Saturday?  Sorry , I can’t.  I’m busy on Saturday. >Can you play on Wednesday? Yes, I can. I’m free.

    >What do you do on Friday?  I go to English class. 

    >What do you do on Thursday?  I go to baseball practice. 

    >What does he do on the weekends?  He plays outside.  

    >What does she do on Sunday?  She watches TV.  

    >Does he ride his bike on the weekend?  Yes, he does. 

    >Does she play the piano on the weekend?  No, she doesn’t. >When do you eat lunch?  At 12:30. I`m hungry. 

    >What time is it?  It’s three thirty .  

    >What time is it ?  It’s a quarter after one.

    > What do you do on the weekend? I always watch TV.  

    >What do you do on the the weekend?  I usually study. 

    >What does he do on the weekend ?  He rides his bike to school. >What does Amy do on the weekend?  She usually walks to school. >When does Ben pay tennis?  Ben sometimes play after school. >When does she do her homework?  She always does her homework after school.  

    >Do you ride your bike after school?  Yes, I always ride my bike.  >Do you read e-mail after school?  No, I never read e-mail after school. 

    >Stacy is a busy student. She goes to school at 8:00. 

    >Stacy studies English at school. Sometimes she studies in her classroom.

    >My family likes music. I play the flute and the piano. My mother plays the guitar. We usually practice on Sunday.

  9. Homework SAK2. CD22,23. Unit 3 p.20予習をしましょう。

Primary 2 Lesson Report (24) 10/9/2020

Lesson Report (24) October 9, 2020

Hello ,class.  It has been raining all week!  I hope it is sunny next week!  Here is your lesson report and  homework.  Good luck! 

  1. Unit 6 p.54( A ) Listen,point, and say. Phonics long i. (2.33). Listen to audio, read and repeat. Say the words with good pronunciation.

  2. p. 54 B (2.34) Phonics chant.Listen to chant and repeat. ペアで発表。

  3. P.55. C. Read and repeat. 1-4. Each student presents one of the dialogs without looking at text.

  4. P. 56 Unit 5,6 review test. A, B (10問)

  5. SAK 1 Listen to p.16 スピーチの発表

  6. Homework Workbook p.52,53,54,55,56  Send picture to instructor. 

  7. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >I like to ride my bike. 

    >I like to hike.

    >I don’t like bikes.

    >I don’t like to fly kites. 

    >I don’t like to hike. 

    >The yogurt is in front of the bowl. 

    >The lamp is on the desk. 

    >He’s a police officer.

    >There’s a ball in the bathtub. 

    > He’s a taxi driver. 

    >The soup is on the stove. 

    >The spoon is in front of the soup. 

    >She’s a police officer. 

    >The hot chocolate is next to the sink. 

    >She’s hungry.  She likes pancakes.  

    >Is there a bathtub next to the sink?  Yes , there is.  

    >Is there a telephone in the refrigerator? No, there isn’t.  

    >Are there balls behind the cat? No, there aren’t. 

    >Are there rabbits in front of the TV? Yes , there are. 

    >What does she like?  She likes apples. 

    >What does he want?  He wants cheese. 

  8. Homework    SAK1 p.18.Listen to  CD 15,16. 1月ー12月を暗記しましょう!チャレンジャーはスペリングも頑張りましょう!  


Primary 3 Lesson Report (23) 10/2/2020

Lesson Report (23) October 2, 2020

Hello、everyone. It is a very nice fall day. It is sports day for some of you. Have a great day and see you next week!

Here is your lesson report from 10/2. And homework,too. Good luck!

  1. P.52( A )Learn the words. Read,repeat and take turns presenting. Listen to audio (2.33) . 

  2. p.52 (2.34) Ask and answer. Read -> reads. Do-> does. Study -> studies. Make sentences. 1-4. Listen and repeat individually with good pronunciation.

  3. P.51 C Ask and answer. (2.36). Listen to audio. Say 1-4. Repeat after audio. Each student will practice and present .

  4. p.53 D. What about you ? 質問に答えましょう

  5. SAK 2 Do p.18. Do 4. Listen to CD 21. Do p.19. listen and Repeat. p.19のスピーチを組み立て、発表

  6. BINGO :  Topic (list from p.17) 3X3 次回は月で勝負しましょう。

  7. Homework Workbook p.50,51.  Send picture to instructor.   

  8. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >When does he practice karate ?  He usually practices karate after school. 

    >When does she play tennis?  She always plays tennis after school with her friends. 

    >When does she do gymnastics?  She usually does gymnastics after school. 

    >When does he read e-mail? He usually reads e-mail after school. >Do you do your homework after school?  Yes, I always do my homework after school. 

    >Do you take a nap after school?  No, I never take a nap after school. 

    >Do you ride your bike after school?  Yes, I sometimes ride my bike after school. 

    >When do you study science?  I always study science in the evening. 

    >What do you usually do after school ?  I usually study English after school. >What do you usually do after school?  I usually listen to music after school. 

  9. Homework SAK2. Memorize p.19 speech. 10月9日に発表しましょう!

Primary 2. Lesson Report (23)10/2/2020

Primary 2 

Lesson Report (23) October 2, 2020

Hello ,everyone. Here is your lesson report from 10/2. You have a little more homework than usual so please get started this weekend. Have a great week.

  1. Unit 6 p.52( A ) Learn the words. (2.28). Listen to audio, read and repeat. Students practice 1-3 , then say the words with good pronunciation. Use hands to describe the situation.

  2. p. 52 B Make sentences. Do 1-6. 1. There’s a table in front of the sofa. 2.  There’s a book on the table. 3.  There’s a camera on the table.  4.  There’s a lamp behind the sofa. 5.  There’s a table next to the sofa. 6.  There’s a phone in front of the lamp.音読練習、発表.

  3. P.53. C. Read yellow box. Repeat. Read blue box and review prepositions. Answer 1 question / student . 1. Is there a stove next to the sink?  2.  Is there a ball in the bathtub? 3. Is there a camera next to the clock?  4. Is there a cake behind the refrigerator? 5. Is there a sofa in front of the table?  6. Is there a clock under the table?  7.  Is there a phone on the books?  8.  Is there a lamp behind the TV?  9. Is there a bag under the bed?  10.  Is there a bathtub next to the sink?  11.  Look at picture 1 and answer. Is there a stove behind the sink?  (2.31).   以上の文を音読練習し、ノートに書きましょう!⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️HOMEWORK

  4. P. 53 Listen and do (2.32) Repeat ,  Practice and present. 

  5. SAK 1 Do p.14. Read names (CD12,13,14)p.16 スピーチの内容を確認

  6. Homework Workbook p.50,51  Send picture to instructor. 

  7. Homework Edmodo音声入力

    >There’s a key next to the camera.  

    >There’s a sofa in front of the lamp. 

    >There’s a book under the bed. 

    >There’s a phone next to the lamp. 

    >There’s a camera under the bed. 

    >There’s a ball in the sink. 

    >There’s a clock next to the stove. 

    >There’s a cake in the refrigerator.

    >Is there a ball on the table?  

    >Is there a phone behind the camera ?  Is there a TV next to the bath?  No, there isn’t.  

    >Is there a stove behind the bed?  Yes, there is.  

    >Is there a dog next to the cat?  No, there isn’t.  

    >Is there a bathtub in front of the lamp?  Yes,there is. 

    >Are there windows next to the bed? Yes, there are. 

    >Are there phones under the table?  No, there aren’t. 

    >Are there rabbits in the box? Yes, there are.  

  8. Homework    SAK1 p.16 スピーチを書いて覚えましょう。次回のレッスンで発表します。