
Lesson Report Primary October 16th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Tuesday, October 16, 2018.
It's mostly cloudy but it's nice today!

Night Zookeeperの発表はみんな終わりましたね。
Great! 次回から新しいWritingに入ります。

Picture DictionaryではCampingに関係する言葉を学習しました。

How many ...?  How much ...? しっかり使い分けましょう!
そして、Daily routine(一日の日課)の学習に入りました。

<Lesson Review>
Night Zookeeper 
Write comments for classmates
️Haruka  ️Suzu  Aiko  Junya  Hinako  Yuki  ️Kazu  ️Rika  Seigo

Picture Dictionary
Unit 31  Bears Go Camping (1)
Practice the words => Copy the words in the notebook and practice the pronunciation => Check with the teacher.
Sing the chant

Kiso-eigo October issue
Review: Countable and uncountable nouns  pages 52-53
Lesson 111 (p. 54)
Listen to the CD. => Practice words and phrases. =>
Practice the conversation in class.

Lesson 112 (p. 58)
Listen to the CD. =>
Practice the conversation in class.
Activity: I get up at seven in the morning. What about you?

Write a message to teacher
I get up at … every day.
Yuki gets up at … every day.

I need two apples.

Have a great week!
See you on Friday, everyone!


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