
P2 Lesson Report (42)2/19/2021

 Hello , class. It is a very warm day today! I hope you get to go outside and have a good time! Please check your lesson report and homework! See you soon!

Student Book * p.56  A.  Listen to audio (2.36)  Check the answers.

B. Listen to audio. In front of, behind, next to, by. <—— 覚えてるか確認

*p.57 C. Go to 3 breakout rooms. グループで協力し、p.57. 1−9の文作りをし、ノートに書く。クラスに発表!なかなか難しかったですね!Good work!

3. SAK 1 unit 7. Colors. Listen to CD 49. Listen and answer    Ask your classmate What’s your favorite color? (5:45 -5:50)

4. Homework Edmodo 音声入力

  1. The yogurt is in front of the pear. 

  2. The peach is next to the pears.

  3. The lamp is on the desk. 

  4. The workbook is under the lamp. 

  5. The police officer likes coffee. 

  6. The police officer is drinking hot chocolate. 

  7. The colorful ball is in the bathtub.

  8. She likes pancakes. 

  9. The hot chocolate is next to the sink.  

  10. The omelet is in the refrigerator .

  11. The police office is in front of the green refrigerator.  She likes omelets. 

  12. The delicious soup is on the stove. 

  13. The spoon in it front of the bowl. 

  14. The taxi driver likes green apples. 

  15. The yellow  taxi is behind the taxi driver. 

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