
Lesson Report Primary January 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.  
It's Wednesday, January 23, 2019.  
It's sunny and beautiful today!

基礎英語では前回の復習をかねて Can you ski? What did you eat for breakfast? の質問をクラス全員に聞きEdmodoに調査結果を投稿しました。

Night Zookeeperの発表が終わっていない人は必ず原稿を完成させてサポートタイムに来て下さい。

<Lesson  Review>
Kiso-eigo January issue
Review: Can you ski?    What did you eat for breakfast?
ð Ask all the classmates.
ð Post the answers.

Lesson 171
Listen to the CD. => Practice the conversation in class.
Lessons 172
Listen to the CD. => Practice the conversation in class.

Activity: Role-play in groups of three

Night Zookeeper  Talk about your home and interests
"My favorite things to do."
Starting on Jan. 15   Presentation

︎Haruka  Suzu  ︎Aiko  Junya  ︎Hinako  ︎Yuki  Kazu  ︎Rika  ︎Seigo   Yuto  Rintaro

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Friday!  


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